Mickey what’s wrong buddy?

While the job market today is certainly not what it used to be, there are some jobs of old that most of us will be glad don’t exist anymore. So the next time you’re stuck at work, dreaming of an early finish, be glad you’re not knocking windows or catching rats in the sewers!
#1. Bowling alley pin setter

This job was often carried out by teenagers. Needless to say, it didn’t pay very well.

#2. Knocker-upper

Since alarm clocks didn’t exist back then, Knocker-uppers were hired to make sure their clients woke up early.

 They would tap on doors and windows with sticks and even pea shooters until their clients woke up.

#3. Ice cutter

When the lakes froze up, strong men were hired to cut through the thick sheet of ice.

#4. Enemy aircraft detection

Before the invention of radar, these devices helped soldiers to listen for approaching enemy aircraft.

#5. Rat catcher

 In Europe, rat catchers were hired to control the rodent population and prevent the spread of disease.

 It wasn’t an easy job, as many of them would suffer from bites.

 #6. Lamp lighter

Before electric street lamps took over the streets, lamp lighters would go around manually lighting and extinguishing street lamps.

 #7. Milkman

 Because of less advanced refrigeration and preservation techniques, milkmen would deliver cold milk to their clients regularly. This practice continued until the 90s. In fact, in some areas milkmen still operate to this day.

#8. Log driver – Before log transportation via trucks and lorries, these men would guide logs down the river.

#9. Switchboard operator

 Switchboard operators used to play a crucial role in connecting calls. Today, it is all done digitally.

 #10. Resurrectionist – These 19th century body snatchers would remove corpses from graves and sell them to universities for use in research.

#11. Factory worker lector

Factory workers would often pool their money together to hire lectors to read to them. Much of what was read was often trade-union literature.

Due to advances in technology, many of the jobs we consider ‘normal’ today will probably also be viewed as being strange or redundant in the future!
If you enjoyed this story share it with your friends – just hope they never used to be milkmen.