This Man Spent 40 Years Building Carnival Rides In His Forest… And They Look AWESOME.

In 1969, a man who simply goes by the name ‘Bruno’ started selling food and wine beneath a tree, in his hometown of Battaglia, Italy. A month later, he met a blacksmith by chance, and started learning how to weld.
Through hard work and dedication, he managed to grow his simple food and wine business into the thriving family restaurant Ai Pioppi.
But what’s really remarkable is how he managed to utilise the skills he picked up from the blacksmith to fuel this growth.
Bruno started using his skills to build rides. They started off simple…
But they soon started becoming more and more complex.

From the start, his plan was to use these rides to attract people to the restaurant.
And boy did they come!

 He even built some very impressive water slides…

 One of which is absolutely huge.

Here is the man himself, hard at work.
You see, ever since Bruno first met the blacksmith, he decided to build rides to encourage people, especially families with kids, to come and visit his restaurant.Bruno’s hard-work, creativity, and dedication to his craft transformed what started as a ramshackle business 40 years ago, into the wildly popular tourist attraction it is today.