Today's Technology Proves We Are Already Living In The Future!
The future is racing forward at such an astonishing speed that the ‘good ole days’ may no longer refer to decades or generations, but just a few years.
Technology used today feels straight out of a science fiction movie.
#1. Shanghai's financial district development in only 26 years.
#2. A selfie in space.
#3. The Liftware spoon is designed for patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. The spoon will shake the opposite direction of the tremors which stabilizes the spoon.
#4. Ultrasonic sensors creating an interactive billboard.
#5. The evolution of the memory card.
#6. A mobile connected toothbrush transmits data to your phone providing feedback where you need to improve your cleaning.
#7. A magnetic zipper allowing you to zip up with one hand.
#8. Geminoid has a software download of facial expressions.
#9. A sensor to monitor a baby's temperature and sleep quality.
#10. Helping travellers translate in real-time.
#11. Häagen-Dazs has created an app where you point your iPhone on the lid and a concert will play timed for the ice cream to soften.
#12. Cortex is a light cast made using the x-ray and 3d scan of a patient's fracture.
#13. The library book you want to borrow is just one download away.
#14. Prosthetic arm controlled by the brain's electrical signals.
#15. Green screen takes movie making to the next level.