How many times have you walked passed a penny on the ground? Imagine if you picked up change every time you spotted it for the next ten years. That’s what 69-year old Rick Snyder of Manatee County, Florida did.
After Snyder retired, he didn’t want to sit still. So every morning, he wakes up very early and goes for walks, averaging 46 miles a week. While Snyder walks, he gathers coins from vacuums at local car washes and vending machines, and uses the money to help care for feral cats in his neighborhood. He collects an average of $5.60 each day. In the beginning, Snyder set an initial goal of $10,000, but once he surpassed his second goal of $20,000, he decided to give every bit of it to the Gulf Shore Animal League, a non-profit that cares for cats in Manatee County. It’s the largest donation they’ve ever received from a single individual.
Snyder told the Herald Tribune,”One of the problems we have being retirees is we become too self-involved. My advice is, we need to get involved in something else. Do something for someone else.”