Joel Robinson lives in a vibrant world of fantasy and magic. The Canadian photographer creates surreal, dream-like images that make you want to jump in to the pictures just to experience a hint of enchantment.
Growing up in British Columbia, Robinson loved watching Disney movies. After graduating from college, Robinson felt largely unfulfilled and in need of inspiration. He discovered Flickr by chance and was able to view incredible work by photographers from all over the world.
Not wasting any time, Robinson found an old DSLR camera on eBay. The new shutterbug realized he would not be putting his new camera down anytime soon. He began taking photos daily, developing his now trademark touch of magic and wonder.
Within a few years of joining Flickr, Robinson was contacted by Coca-Cola looking to collaborate with him. Within 18 months, Robinson was named photographer and voice of social media for the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ Trophy Tour. This entailed taking the cup on a world tour of 90 countries.
This allowed him to quit his day job and focus on his passion full-time. Take a look at some of the out-of-this-world imagery.