Sometimes you go to school to study one thing and end up something different and more fulfilling. Shannon Holt is a classically trained visual artist who went from painting on canvass to painting on humans.
Holt graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tyler School of Art Philadelphia/Rome in 1998.
After tuning her paint brush skills on wood, textiles, metal and even cigar boxes, Holt switched to people, using women as canvass in 2008. Within a year, she became a professional body painter.
Her current collection, Florida Wildlife Series, has her models contouring their bodies upside down, and sideways to give the shape of the animal she is painting. For example, two models embrace to complete the pose of a Florida panther while five people make up the face of a fox.
Using people of different shapes gives her room to use the bodies to complement the vivid and life-like works.