Some People Gathered Together For Their Annual Meeting. Can You Believe They Took Naps Here?

Thrill seekers from around the globe came together for the annual International Highline Meeting in the Italian Alps. The daredevils practiced their sport for a week  by tightrope walking from one mountain to another.

One highliner plays the guitar as others rest in their hammocks.

One woman practices her incredible skills thousands of feet above the ground.

Fortunately, a short safety rope prevents this man from falling. 

Three of the highliners cross the gorge at the same time as others watch.

The highliners take breaks in the suspended hammocks in between sessions.

The group tightens the webbings so they can try new routes across the gorge.

A makeshift village of tents is home for the extreme athletes for the week.

Are your palms getting sweaty yet?

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