Man Discovers ‘Time Capsule’ Full Of Cash And Jewelry… In His Grandparents’ Farmhouse

When we think of discovering treasure, what often comes to mind are scenes of pirates and isolated islands thousands of miles away from civilization. But as Reddit user ‘Evilenglish‘ recently learned, treasure can sometimes be found in places where you least expect to find it.
While poking around in his grandparent’s farmhouse one day, he decided to check out a closet he hadn’t come across before.

With only a dirty old rug on the floor and some empty shelves, there didn’t seem to be anything of interest inside.

But after pulling aside the rug to give it a quick clean, he saw this.

 There in front of him, inside an inconspicuous closet in his grandparent’s dusty old farmhouse, was a safe.

After fumbling in a few random dial combinations, he knew he had to call in a professional. And so he did. Tim the locksmith made short work of the lock.

 Finally, it was open.

Are you ready?

The lid came off to reveal boxes…

 …and with it, a stash of century old coins and bills.

 And he’d only just scratched the surface, because there was still more from where that came from…

Sadly, many of the bills suffered from water damage due to a plumbing problem.

This set of 1937 coins had a damaged cover…

…but the silver coins inside were in perfect condition.

 The silver bars aged amazingly well too.

 Last but not least, they found this small box of watches and jewelry.

 His luck didn’t end there. Later on, he discovered another safe inside a coffee table. Along with a few vintage pistols, there were some incredibly rare one dollar “Barr notes” – money notes issued during the 29 days that Secretary of State Joseph W. Barr was in office before he resigned.
There’s been a lot of buzz ever since Evilenglish shared his story online. Some users helpfully offered to appraise the items too, although we think it’s best if he takes his new treasure to a professional instead. We certainly hope it’s worth a lot.